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Exploring Tomorrow’s Challenges

stu­dent think tank and net­work – at the largest Swiss universities


with whom we collaborate and join forces for our activities

Who we are

The NEO Net­work («NEO» for short) is a stu­dent think tank and net­work ded­i­cat­ed to ex­plore and to ad­dress tomorrow‘s chal­lenges with the lead­ing in­dus­try ex­perts, sci­en­tists and en­tre­pre­neurs at the largest Swiss universities.

To pow­er these en­deav­ors, we are a de­lib­er­ate­ly rich and di­verse stu­dent com­mu­ni­ty of both men and women from every sci­en­tif­ic dis­ci­pline – all con­nect­ed by a shared op­ti­mism to­wards sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy and a com­mon ded­i­ca­tion to ad­vance the sta­tus quo in or­der to shape our com­mu­ni­ties for the better.

Stu­dents may join our net­work, pro­fes­sion­al part­ners may col­lab­o­rate with us.

NEO Activity Loop

NEO (from «néos», an­cient greek) is based on three pil­lars: NEO Keynotes, NEO Net­work and NEO Labs. We con­nect and in­ter­act through our net­work, ex­plore and un­der­stand in our keynotes and cre­ate and im­pact at our labs.

Our ac­tiv­i­ties live from a con­stant ex­change with the lead­ing ex­perts from in­dus­try and academia.

«At NEO, we connect, explore and impact together.»

quoted NEO Network


NEO Network

«stu­dents to students»

The NEO Net­work is at the core of our pur­suits and pow­ers our en­deav­ors to ex­plore and ad­dress tomorrow‘s chal­lenges. We are a rich and di­verse net­work of stu­dents from every sci­en­tif­ic dis­ci­pline across all de­gree lev­els. We love and live di­ver­si­ty to pow­er our pur­suits as we ex­plore and ad­dress tomorrow‘s challenges.

Be part of our network.


NEO Keynotes

«pro­fes­sion­als to students»

The new in­dus­tri­al rev­o­lu­tion awaits us with an over­whelm­ing breadth of tech­no­log­i­cal break­throughs from a va­ri­ety of fields. We ex­plore the fu­ture chal­lenges brought about by these tech­no­log­i­cal ad­vances with the lead­ing in­dus­try ex­perts, sci­en­tists and en­tre­pre­neurs in our keynote events at the largest Swiss universities.

Be a guest at our keynotes.


NEO Labs

«stu­dents to professionals»

We in­vite the mem­bers of our net­work once every se­mes­ter to ad­dress one par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge. Con­front­ed with real-world chal­lenges that pro­fes­sion­als face, mem­bers of our net­work se­lect them­selves into a cross-disciplinary think tank, to break with tra­di­tion­al norms and come up with new ideas and ap­proach­es at our labs.

Be a head at our labs.

Focus Topics

where we devote our attention to

«At NEO, we love and live diversity to power our endeavors.»

quoted NEO Network

Initiatives & Jobs

Job opportunities to power our initiatives

NEO Pioneer

expand to new universities

NEO Pi­o­neers lever­age and ex­pand our net­work and en­deav­ors to new uni­ver­si­ties, i.e. uni­ver­si­ties at which we are cur­rent­ly not yet op­er­at­ing. As a  pi­o­neer you hold the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for a suc­cess­ful launch of the ini­tia­tive at your uni­ver­si­ty and build and lead a team of di­rec­tors. Ap­ply to be­come a NEO Pioneer.


NEO Director

prosper at existing universities

NEO Di­rec­tors fuel and dri­ve our ini­tia­tives at ex­ist­ing uni­ver­si­ties, i.e. uni­ver­si­ties at which we are cur­rent­ly op­er­at­ing. They hold our key po­si­tions in op­er­a­tions, part­ner­ships, fi­nance, mar­ket­ing or hu­man re­sources and en­sure that our ex­ist­ing com­mu­ni­ties grow and pros­per. Ap­ply to be­come a NEO Director.