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NEO Network

Be connected: interact and inspire

NEO Network

Be connected: interact and inspire

The NEO Net­work is a rich and di­verse stu­dent think tank and net­work at the largest Swiss uni­ver­si­ties – from stu­dents for stu­dents. We are a com­mu­ni­ty of stu­dents from every sci­en­tif­ic dis­ci­pline – from law and eco­nom­ics to en­gi­neer­ing and physics to med­i­cine and bi­ol­o­gy across Bach­e­lor, Mas­ter and Doc­tor­al lev­els. We are all con­nect­ed by a shared op­ti­mism to­wards sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy and a com­mon ded­i­ca­tion to ex­plore and ad­dress tomorrow‘s challenges.

The di­ver­si­ty of our net­work is a key in­gre­di­ent in any of our ac­tiv­i­ties: Whether we ex­plore tomorrow‘s chal­lenges or aim to solve crit­i­cal and com­plex prob­lems, di­ver­si­ty pow­ers our en­deav­ors. Need­less to say that it al­lows us to fos­ter plu­ral­is­tic think­ing, to sur­round us with in­spir­ing fel­lows and to grow our in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary net­work among like-minded peers.

NEO Network Events

Set-up: student to student

To fos­ter our net­work be­yond our keynote and lab ses­sions, NEO Mem­bers unite at the NEO Net­work events. While the keynotes and labs live from a close ex­change with the lead­ing ex­perts from in­dus­try and acad­e­mia, the net­work events are ex­clu­sive­ly de­vot­ed to our mem­bers – in a «stu­dents to stu­dents» setting.

At our net­work events, we pro­vide our net­work mem­bers the stage to present and share ideas and vi­sions or pro­to­types and demos that hold the promise to solve real-world prob­lems and chal­lenges. It‘s where we aim to spread and share our pas­sion, to in­ter­act and in­spire oth­ers in or­der to ad­vance the sta­tus quo and con­tribute to­wards pos­i­tive change.

The NEO Net­work events take place (at least) once every se­mes­ter and fea­ture 3 pre­sen­ters – each pre­sent­ing 10 min plus 5min Q&A in a ca­su­al set­ting. Af­ter the pitch­es we‘ll have drinks to­geth­er. Be with us – ei­ther as a lis­ten­er or as a presenter.

Presenters: Share your Passion and inspiration

Is your garage ready with a pro­to­type? Are you pas­sion­ate about an on­go­ing ini­tia­tive? Do you have fas­ci­nat­ing re­search re­sults? — We would ge­ni­une­ly love to hear more about your projects and en­cour­age you to share your pas­sion with us. You, in turn, may wish to ad­vance the prod­uct, spread an idea, ac­quire ad­di­tion­al peo­ple or you need feed­back, con­tacts and knowl­edge. Let us know how we may help you: This is where net­works are best at.

This may be in­ter­est­ing to both you or friends of yours. Please feel free to rec­om­mend someone.

Upcoming Events

These are our up­com­ing NEO Net­work Events. Spread the word and bring your friends along.

Date, Venue In­spi­ra­tions Reg­is­tra­tion




«At NEO, we aim to advance the status quo.»

Apply to Inspire

This is the ap­pli­ca­tion form for those who wish to share their pas­sion and in­spi­ra­tion with others.