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Be involved: grow and prosper


Be involved: grow and prosper

All of our ef­forts are pow­ered by gen­uine ef­forts of Bachlor, Mas­ter and Doc­tor­al stu­dents who wish to fuel our en­deav­ors. Our jobs are re­lat­ed to two of our growth ini­tia­tives at new and ex­ist­ing uni­ver­si­ties. As of to­day, we pro­vide our op­er­a­tions at the largest Swiss uni­ver­si­ties (e.g. ETH Zurich, Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, Uni­ver­si­ty of St. Gallen). These hon­orary part-time jobs em­brace a mul­ti­tude of ac­tiv­i­ties, rang­ing from mar­ket­ing and HR to fi­nance and le­gal, to strat­e­gy and tech­nol­o­gy. – How do you wish to contribute?

NEO Pioneer

expand to new universities

The «ex­pand» ini­tia­tive sup­ports the ex­pan­sion of our net­work and ac­tiv­i­ties to new uni­ver­si­ties. Lever­age our re­sources and grow the NEO Net­work to your uni­ver­si­ty campus.

NEO Pi­o­neers mas­ter the art of grow­ing com­mu­ni­ties. They cul­ti­vate a keen sense for de­vel­op­ments and trends and pro­vide clear di­rec­tions and guid­ance, align and en­gage peo­ple to pro­vide sound ex­pe­ri­ence and exchange.

Ap­ply to be­come a NEO Pioneer.


NEO Director

prosper at existing universities

The «pros­per» ini­tia­tive sup­ports the ex­pan­sion of our net­work at ex­ist­ing uni­ver­si­ties. As a vi­tal mem­ber of the team at your uni­ver­si­ty you en­sure that the com­mu­ni­ty prospers.

NEO Di­rec­tors fo­cus on key ar­eas (on HR or mar­ket­ing, fi­nance or le­gal, strat­e­gy or tech­nol­o­gy) and dri­ve the vivid progress of the com­mu­ni­ty on each of our prod­uct ver­ti­cals (keynotes, net­work and labs).

Ap­ply to be­come a NEO Director.


«Be involved: grow and prosper.»

 Apply for Jobs (10% voluntary)