Be connected: interact and inspire

NEO Network
Be connected: interact and inspire
The NEO Network is a rich and diverse student think tank and network at the largest Swiss universities – from students for students. We are a community of students from every scientific discipline – from law and economics to engineering and physics to medicine and biology across Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels. We are all connected by a shared optimism towards science and technology and a common dedication to explore and address tomorrow‘s challenges.
The diversity of our network is a key ingredient in any of our activities: Whether we explore tomorrow‘s challenges or aim to solve critical and complex problems, diversity powers our endeavors. Needless to say that it allows us to foster pluralistic thinking, to surround us with inspiring fellows and to grow our interdisciplinary network among like-minded peers.
NEO Network Events
Set-up: student to student
To foster our network beyond our keynote and lab sessions, NEO Members unite at the NEO Network events. While the keynotes and labs live from a close exchange with the leading experts from industry and academia, the network events are exclusively devoted to our members – in a «students to students» setting.
At our network events, we provide our network members the stage to present and share ideas and visions or prototypes and demos that hold the promise to solve real-world problems and challenges. It‘s where we aim to spread and share our passion, to interact and inspire others in order to advance the status quo and contribute towards positive change.
The NEO Network events take place (at least) once every semester and feature 3 presenters – each presenting 10 min plus 5min Q&A in a casual setting. After the pitches we‘ll have drinks together. Be with us – either as a listener or as a presenter.
Presenters: Share your Passion and inspiration
Is your garage ready with a prototype? Are you passionate about an ongoing initiative? Do you have fascinating research results? — We would geniunely love to hear more about your projects and encourage you to share your passion with us. You, in turn, may wish to advance the product, spread an idea, acquire additional people or you need feedback, contacts and knowledge. Let us know how we may help you: This is where networks are best at.
This may be interesting to both you or friends of yours. Please feel free to recommend someone.
Upcoming Events
These are our upcoming NEO Network Events. Spread the word and bring your friends along.
Date, Venue | Inspirations | Registration |