Be curious: explore and understand

NEO Keynotes
Be curious: explore and understand
We believe that the nurture of a common and shared understanding is the first vital aspect to advance present conditions. This is why the NEO Keynotes are devoted to serve this purpose: We explore tomorrow‘s challenges brought about by cutting-edge technologies with the leading industry experts, scientists and enrepreneurs at the largest Swiss universities. They raise awareness for thorny risks and challenges, enhance our understanding about causes and effects and sharpen our future-oriented and pluralistic thinking.
In addition to exploring tomorrow‘s challenges, our keynotes provide a link towards the NEO Labs, and aim to highlight potentially fruitful paths to address the challenges we are about to face. Our keynotes are free and public: We would love to welcome you at one of our forthcoming events: Which ones are you eager to attend?
«At NEO, we explore tomorrow’s challenges.»
Past Keynotes
Spring Semester ’24
Fall Semester ’23
Spring Semester ’23
Fall Semester ’22
Spring Semester ’22
Fall Semester ’21
Spring Semester ’21
Fall Semester ’20
Spring Semester ’20
Fall Semester ’19
Spring Semester ’19
Fall Semester ’18
Join us as a corporate.
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«At NEO, we embrace forward thinking.»
Challenges explored in previous keynotes
Hewlett Packard: 3D/4D Printing
3D printing technologies allow us to move from a world of «pixels» into one of «voxels» (so called volume pixels). 3D printers place additively voxel by voxel upon each other to build and print 3D objects. While any pixel was only able to adjust brightness and color, each voxel can be defined concerning color, material, surface, form, elasticity, transparency and conductivity.
One of our next keynote will therefore address the following questions: Will we soon be able to print our Nike shoes, clothes or contact lenses via digital codes? What is its potential to reshape existing business- and supply-chain models or international trade as we move from «pixels» to «voxels»? How do 3D printers work on a more technical level: What input material do are used? What are different 3D printing technologies and their pros/cons? What kind of final products are possible? What is not (yet) possible? Printing biological parts (bladders or kidneys)? Why (not)?

Google: Future of Search
Google has changed the world through its free search and page-ranking algorithm and pioneered disruptive innovation. Their mission to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful also explains the broad scope of products that Google offers today: From maps and calendars, to images and movies, to books and scientific research.
Google‘s search rank technology was invented in the 90ies and ever since advanced to the world‘s foremost search technology. How is Sundar Pichai‘s Google going to advance the future of search? How will Google maintain the cutting-edge leader position among its closest competitors? How will Google maintain the ad-effectiveness as we usher into the age of artificially augmented intelligent assistants?
McKinsey & Company: Industry 4.0
Over 99% of all physical tools are not yet connected to the internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) aims to connect all possible sorts of tools and gadgets to the internet: From your keys and wallet, to your washing machine and refrigerator to your bicycle and car. A tremendous opportunity of significant value.
McKinsey & Company as one of the world‘s leading management consulting firms drives change on the forefront and will highlight the value it creates to manufacturers and how they are able to capture it. What are major challenges manufacturers face? — What causes top management to sleep poorly at night? What were successful advices, strategies and solutions, McKinsey provided them with? Conversely – and perhaps more instructively – which advices turned out to be not successful and why? How is the Internet of Things about to disrupt manufacturing?