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NEO Keynotes

Be curious: explore and understand

NEO Keynotes

Be curious: explore and understand

We be­lieve that the nur­ture of a com­mon and shared un­der­stand­ing is the first vi­tal as­pect to ad­vance present con­di­tions. This is why the NEO Keynotes are de­vot­ed to serve this pur­pose: We ex­plore tomorrow‘s chal­lenges brought about by cutting-edge tech­nolo­gies with the lead­ing in­dus­try ex­perts, sci­en­tists and en­repre­neurs at the largest Swiss uni­ver­si­ties. They raise aware­ness for thorny risks and chal­lenges,  en­hance our un­der­stand­ing about caus­es and ef­fects and sharp­en our future-oriented and plu­ral­is­tic thinking.

In ad­di­tion to ex­plor­ing tomorrow‘s chal­lenges, our keynotes pro­vide a link to­wards the NEO Labs, and aim to high­light po­ten­tial­ly fruit­ful paths to ad­dress the chal­lenges we are about to face. Our keynotes are free and pub­lic: We would love to wel­come you at one of our forth­com­ing events: Which ones are you ea­ger to attend?

Upcoming Keynotes

Our keynotes are pub­lic and free. Please click on the reg­is­tra­tion link to ex­press your in­ter­est or con­fir­ma­tion your at­ten­dance. You will be re­ferred to Big­Mark­er  for reg­is­tra­tion to on­line events. Your con­fir­ma­tion is high­ly appreciated.

«At NEO, we explore tomorrow’s challenges.»

Past Keynotes

Spring Semester ’23
Fall Semester ’22
Spring Semester ’22
Fall Semester ’21
Spring Semester ’21
Fall Semester ’20
Spring Semester ’20
Fall Semester ’19
Spring Semester ’19
Fall Semester ’18

Past Keynotes

Fall Semester ’21
Spring Semester ’21
Fall Semester ’20
Spring Semester ’20
Fall Semester ’19
Spring Semester ’19
Fall Semester ’18

Join us as a corporate.

We’d love to of­fer our ser­vices also to your com­pa­ny. Reach out to us!

«At NEO, we embrace forward thinking.»


Challenges explored in previous keynotes
Hewlett Packard: 3D/4D Printing

3D print­ing tech­nolo­gies al­low us to move from a world of «pix­els» into one of «vox­els» (so called vol­ume pix­els). 3D print­ers place ad­di­tive­ly vox­el by vox­el upon each oth­er to build and print 3D ob­jects. While any pix­el was only able to ad­just bright­ness and col­or, each vox­el can be de­fined con­cern­ing col­or, ma­te­r­i­al, sur­face, form, elas­tic­i­ty, trans­paren­cy and conductivity.

One of our next keynote will there­fore ad­dress the fol­low­ing ques­tions: Will we soon be able to print our Nike shoes, clothes or con­tact lens­es via dig­i­tal codes? What is its po­ten­tial to re­shape ex­ist­ing business- and supply-chain mod­els or in­ter­na­tion­al trade as we move from «pix­els» to «vox­els»? How do 3D print­ers work on a more tech­ni­cal lev­el: What in­put ma­te­r­i­al do are used? What are dif­fer­ent 3D print­ing tech­nolo­gies and their pros/cons? What kind of fi­nal prod­ucts are pos­si­ble? What is not (yet) pos­si­ble? Print­ing bi­o­log­i­cal parts (blad­ders or kid­neys)? Why (not)?

Google: Future of Search

Google has changed the world through its free search and page-ranking al­go­rithm and pi­o­neered dis­rup­tive in­no­va­tion. Their mis­sion to or­ga­nize the worlds in­for­ma­tion and make it uni­ver­sal­ly ac­ces­si­ble and use­ful also ex­plains the broad scope of prod­ucts that Google of­fers to­day: From maps and cal­en­dars, to im­ages and movies, to books and sci­en­tif­ic research.

Google‘s search rank tech­nol­o­gy was in­vent­ed in the 90ies and ever since ad­vanced to the world‘s fore­most search tech­nol­o­gy. How is Sun­dar Pichai‘s Google go­ing to ad­vance the fu­ture of search? How will Google main­tain the cutting-edge leader po­si­tion among its clos­est com­peti­tors? How will Google main­tain the ad-effectiveness as we ush­er into the age of ar­ti­fi­cial­ly aug­ment­ed in­tel­li­gent assistants?

McKinsey & Company: Industry 4.0

Over 99% of all phys­i­cal tools are not yet con­nect­ed to the in­ter­net. The In­ter­net of Things (IoT) aims to con­nect all pos­si­ble sorts of tools and gad­gets to the in­ter­net: From your keys and wal­let, to your wash­ing ma­chine and re­frig­er­a­tor to your bi­cy­cle and car. A tremen­dous op­por­tu­ni­ty of sig­nif­i­cant value.

McK­in­sey & Com­pa­ny as one of the world‘s lead­ing man­age­ment con­sult­ing firms dri­ves change on the fore­front and will high­light the val­ue it cre­ates to man­u­fac­tur­ers and how they are able to cap­ture it. What are ma­jor chal­lenges man­u­fac­tur­ers face? — What caus­es top man­age­ment to sleep poor­ly at night? What were suc­cess­ful ad­vices, strate­gies and so­lu­tions, McK­in­sey pro­vid­ed them with? Con­verse­ly – and per­haps more in­struc­tive­ly – which ad­vices turned out to be not suc­cess­ful and why? How is the In­ter­net of Things about to dis­rupt manufacturing?