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NEO Labs

Be committed: create and impact

Know­ing the chal­lenges is one thing, act­ing upon them is an­oth­er. “Un­der­stand­ing” is the first step to dri­ve change to­wards in­no­va­tion. Through the or­gan­i­sa­tion of work­shops with our cor­po­rate part­ners, and through our in­de­pen­dent re­search unit, we pro­vide mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty the op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­flect and act upon the chal­lenges and the tech­no­log­i­cal evo­lu­tions of our world.


«At NEO, we are eager to address tomorrow’s challenges.»

Our Work

Our re­search unit ad­dress­es technology-related ques­tions in a sci­en­tif­ic and cre­ative man­ner. Through our Ex­pert Dis­cus­sions, we bring to­geth­er lead­ing ex­perts, from acad­e­mia and in­dus­try, to dis­cuss and ex­plore to­day’s chal­lenges. We pub­lish an­a­lyt­i­cal Re­ports, to an­a­lyze the most press­ing is­sues and ques­tions of our time. We or­ga­nize Net­work In­put ses­sions, with the pur­pose of in­form­ing and pro­vid­ing nov­el in­sights on these top­ics for our com­mu­ni­ty. Fi­nal­ly, We or­gan­ise Work­shops, to ed­u­cate and in­volve par­tic­i­pants, and en­cour­age the use of new practices.

    Data Against Covid19

    On May 6, 2020 took place our ex­pert pan­el dis­cus­sion about the use of “Data against Covid19”. We in­ter­viewed pro­gram­mers, start­up en­tre­pre­neurs and epi­demi­ol­o­gists who took part in the hackathon CodeVsCovid19 . We dis­cussed the use of AI in help­ing fight epi­demics, how AI can shape the fu­ture of healthcare, and the re­lat­ed data pri­va­cy concerns.